

Whistleblowing: the internal violation reporting system.

The term whistleblower generally refers to someone who, having become aware of potentially unlawful acts or events in their work context, decides to report the same using the confidential and independent channels set up by the company especially.

Acetaia Giusti has adopted an internal system for reporting violations which aims to keep the whistleblower’s identity confidential and offer them protection against any retaliation resulting from the report, in line with whistleblowing legislation issued at a European and national level (most recently Legislative Decree 24 of 15 March 2023, transposing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 into Italian law).

The reporting system is formalised in a Company Procedure which is available on this page.


In accordance with the Procedure, the Company have established dedicated procedures, through which it is possible to report conduct, acts or omissions – including any well-founded suspicions – that whistleblowers may become aware of in their work context and which they believe may constitute a violation of the rules governing the activities carried out by the Company. 

To view or download the whistleblowing procedure, I acknowledge the Information for the whistleblower


Related document


Whistleblowing procedure

Information for the whistleblower

WHY 16|05?

It was 1605 when the name of Francesco Maria Giusti was written on the first census of a Merchant Guild in Modena, from the new Duke Cesare d’Este. It is the first witness of the work of the Giusti family, the oldest producer of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena.
Playing with the number “1605”, we decided to celebrate every year with our best clients the day May 16th as our “birthday”, as in Italian it can be written 16/05.

Celebrate our birthday by creatively pairing Giusti products in culinary and mixology creations!
Share our recipes with us! @giusti1605 #giustiday


The desire to celebrate the birthday was born with the idea of sharing and exchanging recipes and ideas created by our chefs and gourmets from all over the world. An event that connects different cultures and traditions through one of the best Italian gastronomic excellences and symbol of Modena.
A tour of the world among homes and kitchens of our clients, in a day dedicated to Giusti Balsamic Vinegar of Modena.

Discover new and original ways of enjoying our Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and share your recipes with us on Instagram!

@giusti1605 #giustiday

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