History | Giusti US Store

A history lasting over four centuries

An unbroken thread linking past, present and future

More than four centuries have passed since the ancestors of the Giusti family set up the first batteries of wooden barrels in the attic of their house in via Farini in Modena. Today, Giusti Balsamic Vinegars of Modena enhance the dishes of the world’s top chefs and grace the shelves of the most exclusive stores in Italy and around the world.

It is thanks to the loyalty and passion of those who have embraced and believed in this long history that today, seventeen generations later, the Giusti family is as passionate and dedicated as ever to producing and sharing this wonderful product which has helped making the history of Modena and its people so great.

Winners of prestigious awards

Awarded various prestigious medals between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the Giusti family exports its exclusive Black Gold of Modena throughout Europe. Thanks to the enterprising spirit of Pietro and Giuseppe Giusti, the Balsamic Vinegars of Modena’s oldest vinegar-producing family were exhibited in Paris, Brussels, Vienna and Antwerp, champions of quintessentially Modenese know-how that is the culmination of age-old secrets jealously guarded in family lofts throughout the city.

The Universal Expositions of the Belle Époque brought great prestige and success for Giusti, culminating in the company being granted the royal seal of approval as “Supplier to the Royal House of Savoy" by King Vittorio Emanuele III in 1929.


Slide four centuries of the Giusti family history


Registration of Giuseppe and Francesco Maria Giusti in the Modenese Duke’s ledger of local businesses “Salsicciai and Lardaroli”


The Cardinal Barberini grants Giovanni Maria Giusti the right to sell his products in Bologna, part of the Papal territory


The "Gran Deposito Aceto Balsamico Giuseppe Giusti" expands with the inauguration of new series of barrels and through the acquisition of barrels from other Modenese families


The “A3” barrel was taken to Florence for the Italian Exposition organized by the Italian Royal Family, where Giuseppe Giusti was awarded a Gold Medal for a 90-year-old Balsamic Vinegar


Giuseppe Giusti presents the “Giusti Recipe”, the first document that describes how to obtain a “Perfect Balsamic Vinegar” at the Agricultural
Exhibition of Modena


Giusti participates in the Universal Expositions of the late 19th century, from Paris to Antwerp, obtaining diplomas and numerous awards for its Balsamic Vinegars


The first "samples without commercial value" are sent by post, anticipating the future circulation of Giusti Balsamic Vinegars in Italy and Europe


The logo of Giusti family is a calligraphic illustration in liberty style surrounded with decorations and medals. The same logo is still used today


The shop, opened in the early seventeenth century becomes the Renowned Salumeria Giusti, which still remains today a reference point for gourmets and local excellences


Giusti becomes the official supplier to the King of Italy and the Royal House of Savoy, awarding Giusti the privilege to use the royal emblem on Giusti Balsamic Vinegars


The retail trade grows and Giusti begins to bottle the Balsamic Vinegars in the most glass bottles produced in the area, those for the locally produced Lambrusco wines


The most precious and aged Balsamic Vinegars are bottled in smaller flasks, preceding the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PDO


Acetaia Giusti moves from the attics of the Salumeria to a cottage in the Modena countryside, where the headquarter is located even now


The inauguration of Casa Giusti: an experiential hamlet where thousands of visitors are welcomed every year. It consists of a family Museum, the ancient ageing rooms and a tasting room


Opening of Giusti Boutiques in Modena, Milan and Bologna. New spaces dedicated to the history of the Giusti brand for passionate visitors from
all over the world