Giusti is a Great Place to Work
Giusti has always combined respect for tradition with a modern and sustainable production philosophy, promoting people and the territory where it operates.
We strongly believe that prioritizing our well-being, actively listening, and engaging everyone in company life generate value and contribute to continuous improvement.
Investing in people, fostering their talents, and supporting their growth create a pleasant and stimulating work environment.
The commitment and devotion of Giusti to safeguarding and respecting its coworkers, together with the harmony and satisfaction of the team, translate into the official certification of Great Place to Work®.
This acknowledgement from the global authority on workplace culture awards the passion, motivation, and positive energy of a team that creates and nurtures an exceptional work culture.
Hospitality, team spirit, equity, and pride emerged as the key values in the survey, with cohesion being the strongest value.
According to the survey:
95% of the team feels they are treated equally, regardless of their ethnic origin, and confirms that managers and supervisors behave in an honest and ethical way.
89% of us express a willingness to work at Giusti for a long time, being proud of what the team is able to achieve.
Voices from our coworkers:
"Colleagues and the collaboration established are the driving force of the company."
"A familiar environment that involves you right from the start. There's flexibility and a great predisposition to listen to the needs of each employee."